November 20th, 2015

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Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

Last year our Specialized Housing branch started a new tradition by entering our first ever entry in the Methuen Festival of Trees. It was a beautiful tree called “Life Matters” that had a smile-inducing, soul-warming, nostalgic feel to it. Check it out here.

This year our Clinical Services team ventured down a different, but just as delightful, path, a yellow brick road if you will, with a theme that has become very familiar around ATI this year – The Wizard of Oz. This past spring we ventured to Oz for our Celebrate Good Times Gala with our Guests, then in the fall we returned for our Life Matters Awards Gala. So, it’s safe to say our crafty Colleagues were experts in bringing Oz to life when the Tree Festival rolled around.

And, WOW!, did they bring Oz to life?! Their angry apple tree turned Christmas Tree, named “Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!” is stunning, draped in Emerald City green lights and complete with custom ornaments for each character. The base is riddled with poppies that are intertwined though the roots of the tree. Characters from the film can be seen skipping along the cascading yellow brick road, or hanging out in the hay bale next to the lollipop field…all of which is stationed on top of a wicked witch; who’s ruby slippers and famous striped stockings can be seen poking out from beneath the sparkling path.

In fact the whole tree, and all of it’s handmade elements, was selected as the First Place Best Children’s Theme tree by the Festival! Our Colleagues Maxine, Crystal and Carol who decorated and made each element, as well as the Colleagues who helped build the tree itself, put their WOW! Magic to work and won the Conifer Award!

“It feels awesome, unexpected, but so great,” said Maxine of the award. “We were going for something unique, something totally different and out of the box.”

You can check out pictures of the tree, the team behind it, and the award below. But you’ll have to swing by the Festival in person to get a good look at this award winner! The Festival runs from Nov. 21 to Dec. 5. Click here for more information and be sure to check out “Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!” during your visit!

3 Responses to “Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!”

  1. Robin G says:

    Nice job ladies!

  2. Rhonda Pineiro says:

    Awesome! Congratulations on your amazing tree!

  3. khanblouch says:

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