April 20th, 2016

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Getting Fit & Staying Fit With Our Warrior Ivette

IMG_2628editI’m Ivette, a Colleague at American Training who loves participating in (OCR) obstacle course races (Ivette is our Spartan Warrior). I started this new adventure four years ago and it has really changed my perspective on integrating fitness and fun into my life to be healthier. A few months ago, I was thinking of a way to share my love of fitness and inspire my Colleagues to get motivated and become healthier too. I proposed the idea of starting Zumba classes for my Colleagues right here at American Training. They loved the idea, and so, I started running classes every Thursday, at the end of the work day.

I always say, just start somewhere, but the more you do a Zumba workout, the more your body will adapt and easier the program will become. The idea is that Zumba class should feel like a giant dance party where you follow the instructor who uses visual signals and body language instead of verbally instructing the participants. Sometimes the most effective way to get a message across isn’t through literally shouting what you want people to learn or do, it’s by showing, demonstrating or visualizing those concepts in a way that makes the entire experience feel more organic, less lecture, more fun, energized and active.IMG_0328edit

In order to know the routine you have to know the song well enough to know the exact progression of moves by doing it over and over. Things won’t always go perfectly but that’s fine just take a deep breath. Work with what you have and move forward. The idea is to get you moving.  In other words, as I like to say, “RUN WITH IT ANYWAYS!” And Stay Motivated!!!

Here are a few of my workout tips:

  • Take baby steps, give your body time to adjust as you work your way towards your fitness goals.
  • Start eating healthy and drinking more water. Get rid of those toxins. As you workout more, your body will crave healthier options to fuel it.
  • Get your 8 hours. You need sleep to allow your body to perform at its best.
  • Stretch. Before you workout and after. I like yoga, but any stretching helps.
  • Run. Lift. Train. Do it all and find what you like. I like running and kettlebells. But you could pair cycling with weightlifting or mix it up.
  • Develop a team. Whether you’re the next Spartan Warrior or just looking to get fit, you need a supportive team to help motivate you and hold you accountable.

Share your tips for staying healthy and favorite workouts in our comments section below!

One Response to “Getting Fit & Staying Fit With Our Warrior Ivette”

  1. Robin Lamoureaux says:

    Ivy, I look forward to our Thursday afternoon workouts – you’re the best! Working out in a group definitely motivates me. Some days when I may not be feeling the “spark”, one of my Colleagues will say “hey, see you in Zumba class!” and I’ll think “okay, I can do this!”

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